Thursday, May 14, 2009


Title: Red
Author: Erica Spindler
Jan's Rating: 8

Jan's Opinion: I have read most of Erica Spindler's books and have enjoyed all of them. They aren't "10's" but they usually rate an "8" with me. In "Red", Becky Lynn Lee grows up on the wrong side of the tracks in Bend, Mississippi. She works in a beauty shop doing shampoos. Her father is an alcoholic who beats his family and takes part of Becky Lynn's salary. Her Mother is so afraid of her husband that she never opens her mouth, even to defend her children. Becky Lynn is tormented by her brother's friends until one day they go too far. Becky Lynn leaves Bend with what little money she has and heads for California. It turns out to be a good move for her but she suffers heartache there too. The book did have a good ending so I recommend reading it.