Thursday, November 12, 2009


Title: Mercy Street
Author: Mariah Stewart
Rating: 8

This was a good mystery/romance book. It is about 4 teenagers (nice kids) who go into a park in Pennsylvania late at night and never come out. Two are found in the park shot in the head. The other two are missing. The police immediately think the two missing kids killed the other two and took off. The missing boy's Grandmother knows he is innocent, talks to her priest, who hires Mallory Russo to find the missing kids. Mallory used to be a very good detective with the local police department but something happened and most of the department turned against her. Charlie Wanamaker was hired to replace Mallory and ends up working with her to try to find the kids. Don't want to give away any more of the plot, but it was a good book and I think you'll like it too.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Title: Pursuit
Author: Karen Robards
Jan's Rating: 9

This book kept me on the edge of my seat. I felt like I was running from the bad guys and every time I put the books down, I would tell my husband "I'm exhausted from trying to escape the bad guys". That's how caught up I was into this book. It is about the President's wife who is trying to get away from the Secret Service and no one really understands why. I don't want to say too much for fear of ruining the story for you but read this book and you will eventually find out why the President's wife was so afraid and what actually happened to cause the big accident, and what transpired afterwards was a chase you won't soon forget.