Sunday, September 26, 2010


Title: Hero at Large
Author: Janet Evanovich
Rating: 6

"Hero at Large" is Janet Evanovich's first book, published in 1987 and you can't find it in the bookstores anymore so it has been re-issued. It is a cute romantic story, and nothing like her Stephanie Plum series. It's a quick and easy read.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Title: The Help
Author: Kathryn Stockett
Jan's Rating: 9

95% of the books I read are murder mysteries so this book was quite different for me and I really enjoyed it. All my friends kept telling me about this book so I bought it and so glad I did. This is Kathryn Stockett's first book and it made the #1 New York Times Best Seller List. It is very well written and I have to wonder, will she write more books?? The story is about a young woman who returns home to Jackson, Mississippi after finishing college in the early 1960's. She wants to become a writer. At that time, anyone with money had black people working for them so she decided to write about the experiences of "The Help" in Jackson, and had to do it on the sly so no one would know because at that time, a white and black person would never sit down at a table together to share anything, much less write a book together. It was interesting from beginning to end. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.