Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Title: Finger Lickin' Fifteen
Author: Janet Evanovich
Jan's Rating: 10

This has to be Evanovich's best Stephanie Plum book yet. The last two were kind of slow but this one kept you reading and laughing all the way through. Celebrity Chef Stanley Chipotle comes to town for a BBQ cookoff and is murdered. Lula witnesses the murder so the killers are after her all through the book, which is funny in itself. Lula and Grandma Mazur decide to learn how to make BBQ sauce and join the cookoff, hoping to help catch the killers. Stephanie spends half her time helping Lula and Grandma (which is one disaster after another) and helping Ranger find out who is breaking into homes that have his security system. My husband and I both thoroughly enjoyed this one!

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